Tuesday, April 17, 2012

You Can Sleep When You're Dead

This was my mantra last week.

I spent all of my time at home on the love seat, surrounded by textbooks, papers, my laptop and about 50 cans of diet Dr. Pepper. 

Oh, and some Cadbury Eggs. They were necessary.

Maybe I'd sleep for an hour or two. Maybe not. Needless to say, I was absolutely exhausted by Thursday, when my last paper/ project was due. While I was cleaning up my mess in the living room, I thought about how emotionally and physically wearing this semester has been. I just want to walk away from it, scarred but still living.

Don't get me wrong, there were some great things that happened this semester. I got to write for the Daily Universe, and although it took gratuitous amounts of my sweat, blood and tears, I know that studying journalism was a good choice. Nothing makes me happier than finishing an article that I worked my butt off on.

But still, writing for the paper while taking 14 credit hours and working 20 hours a week was a bad mix. I need a break.

I hung out with Alex a little bit this weekend. We talked about summer plans and it just made me really happy.

This summer there will be hiking, camping, road-tripping, shopping, sushi-eating, jogging, swimming, sun-bathing, reading, movie-watching, sleeping, tubing, BBQ-ing, chilling, and... well.... in short:

And hopefully, I'll remember to blog about them.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It sounds exhausting. It made me tired just reading about it all. But you got through it! You're heroic! Take care of yourself, Sweetie Pie. Have a wonderful summer.
